
Movember - End of the Line

Movember has been a great month. The mustache turned out pretty well, and I raised close to $300 for prostate cancer research. Our company team, Being Tom Selleck, raised just over $1,100 in total.

Thanks to everyone who donated! Your tax receipts should be in the mail.
And as a very special thank you, here's a pic of the finished product (with a bit of extra stubble, because I haven't shaved today):

Now all that's left is to decide whether to shave it off and stay clean shaven, grow back the goatee, or whether to keep the handlebars for a while. Hmmm... decisions, decisions...


Movember - It's NOT a Goatee

A few people have made comments to me implying that I've grown a goatee and am therefore breaking the rules of Movember. I'd like to set the record straight.

As illustrated in previous photos, I have done my best to grow handlebars. A handlebar mustache is still allowed according to the rules of movember. There is a stipulation in the rules that the handlebars themselves cannot connect, and in my case they do not.

However, I also have dark hair and fair skin. This means that even so much as a little 5 o'clock shadow stubble will make it appear as though I have grown a rule-breaking goatee.

But ladies and gentlemen, please understand that a little bit of stubble does not a mustache make. :-)

Click here to check out some recent photos on my facebook (as long as you're on my friends list, that is).


Movember Day 11 - Cowboy Style

I haven't posted in a while because I thought i'd give my stubble some growing time. It's starting to fill in nicely. My badass handlebars are well on their way.

Disappointingly, my mustache looks okay. It doens't look nearly as ridiculous as I had hoped.

I like looking in the mirror lately. It makes me feel a bit like a cowboy. Like I should be wandering around some dusty town in a stetson, wearing my sherrif badge proudly with a cigar sticking out of the corner of my mouth and a six-shooter at my side.

Or maybe a biker with one of those cool little biker helmets that has the single spike on top.

And then I put my glasses on and realize that I just look like a geeky guy with bad mustache. :-)

Keep the donations coming. Movember!


Movember - Day 5

For those of you wondering why the number on my days seems off, here's an explanation. Movember technically starts on November 1st, as per the rules. However, on the first I hadn't yet committed myself to the cause. It wasn't until the 4th that I officially joined in and shaved.

On that note, here's the growth from Day 5. I just finished shaving and it looks like my awesome handlebars are well on their way.

Liberal use of skin lotion and a bit of aftershave are also helping the dry skin to clear up a bit, so that's good too.


Movember - Stubble

Well it's now day 3 since I started this mustache-growing charity endeavor.

So far I've got some stubble, dry skin, and a bit of razor burn. I now remember why I used to use aftershave. I also now remember why I stopped shaving in the first place. It's quite the nuisance.

Ah well. It's for charity, and it's kinda fun. So it's all for a good cause.

I've been really amazed by the support of others after only two days. I've sent one spam e-mail to everybody I know and already I've recieved quite a few generous donations. Thanks to those of you who have already provided your support for this cause in the form of cold hard cash.


Movember - The Beginning

Movember is a charity fundraiser to support prostate cancer research. The deal is simple: men start out clean shaven on november first and grow a mustache over the course of the month while raising money for the charity. Beards are not allowed.

So I'm registered, I'm shaved, and I'm collecting your donations! Visit http://www.movember.com for more information. My registration number is 1909296 and all donations are tax deductible.

Oh, I'm also taking suggestions as to how exactly I should grow this. I'm leaning towards "handlebars" but we'll see how that turns out.

Tell your friends!


'Til Death Do Us Part

I visited Edmonton a few weeks ago for a friend's wedding. The bride has been a good friend for quite a few years and I was happy to visit. There were lots of other good friends there too. The whole gang back together in one room again, basically. It was nice to see everybody again.


At some point in the evening one of the bridesmaids, whom I've known as long as I've known the bride, decided that I should hook up with one of the other bridesmaids. She didn't really care which one. That wasn't the point. She just though I should "get some". She decided to tell me so, and got a few other people involved as well. It was all in good fun I guess, but I was not amused.

"But don't you want to get laid?" was her question, half joking, half serious.
"Here? With a complete stranger? No." I said very bluntly.
"Why not?"

Of course, at the time I was mostly annoyed and felt a little on the spot, so I couldn't put together enough thoughts and words to explain exactly why. I'm not sure I had an answer myself, at the time. It's not that I didn't know why. It just wasn't clear to me.
But I do now that I've had time to think about it, and it's something like this:

For me, sex for the sake of sex is meaningless. I've never liked the idea of one night stands because the mere idea of them seems empty and pointless. Sure you have a little fun, but there are plenty of ways to do that without sex. And unless there's some sort of other emotional attachment involved, I'm not interested.

Frankly, if I wanted a meaningless sexual experience all I'd need to do is turn on my computer and fire up a web browser. It would take me about 1 millionth of a second to find some porn on the internet. Oh look. There's some now! See how easy that was? No bridesmaid required. And... oh look! Naked bridesmaids even!

Of course, she and a few others insisted on forcing the issue. They just couldn't fathom why I would refuse what, to them, was a golden opportunity. Because apparently it's just that easy to go to a wedding, find a drunk bridesmaid, and get sme action. And then the bride, who had had "a bit" to drink, dropped by and also got involved. And of course she thought this was a grand idea and was behind it 100%. Because I'm always miserable and she wants me to be happy. Her words, not mine.

Thank you, guys. Thank you for thinking of me. Thank you for being concerned for my welfare. I appreciate it, I really do. But you should know me better than that. Your hearts may have been in the right place, but your heads clearly weren't.

And people wonder why I hate weddings...


Slowly but Surely

I have broken that chains of debt. Well, one of them at least. As of yesterday I have completely paid off the balance on one of my credit cards. I'm now one step closer to financial stability. Just one more credit card and a student loan to go!

And what better way to celebrate my newfound financial freedom than to buy pre-sale Nine Inch Nails concert tickets on the other credit card?

Hmmm... I think my plan may be flawed. Ah well....

5th row baby!


The Days Are Getting Shorter

Sometimes I wish I were a smoker. Not for the nicotine addiction or the health problems or the money sink that cigarettes are. Only because it would give me a reason to spend a little more time outside. Standing on my balcony is nice, but without a reason to be there, it only lasts so long before I begin to question why I'm on the balcony and go back inside.

The cool breeze is a sure sign that Summer is coming to an end. It's sunny today, but how long will that last? How long before that cool breeze becomes a freezing wind, and before the falling leaves become falling rain?

I could take advantage of the weather. I could take a walk, or go for a leisurely bike ride. But I won't. I'd have no destination and no goal and no company, and I wouldn't be satisfied.

Growing up in small town Cold Lake had certain advantages. On days like these I could cruise down to the Marina, buy an ice cream cone, and sit on the breakwater watching the boats and the waves. I could relax and revel in the fact that it's a lazy sunday, and not have any regrets.

But here in the city there's concrete and traffic and people everywhere. It's harder to sit and relax and just enjoy the day when everything around you is in constant motion. I feel like I should be busy doing something. I feel like if I'm not actively engaged in some sort of activity that somehow I'm wasting time.

I have a personal mantra for days like these:
"Sometimes you need to stop reading the wind and just sail on the current."
It's the kind of thing I have to remind myself sometimes.
(It's also clearly influenced by my father.)

I go home every christmas, but it's been a number of years since I last saw Cold Lake in the warmer months. I think I'm going to save some vacation days up, and plan to make a trip home in the spring for a week. I'll see my parents, play my piano, visit with my aunts and uncles and cousins. I'll spend some time with some old friends.

I'll sit outside in the sun on the breakwater and eat ice cream and watch the waves.


Caffeinated Scapegoat

I blame Starbucks:

1) For the emminent closing of the Edge Café, my favorite morning coffee joint. I'm sure they'd do better business if there weren't so many Starbucks locations near to them. I'm going to miss their super-excellent muffins.

2) For my apparent gain in weight over the last 2 or 3 years. First it was the subsidized Starbucks at EA, and now there's a Starbucks behind the Threewave office. I think I might be slightly addicted. I used to walk a whole block to get an afternoon snack, so I wouldn't. Now I just have to go across the back alley.

3) For turning me into a morning coffee drinker. I used to make fun of "those people", and now it looks like I've become one of them. Next I'll be ordering double shot espressos on a regular basis. It's only a matter of time.

4) For my mild mid-to-late afternoon headaches. When the caffeine from my morning coffee wears off I just feel crummy. The only solution seems to be more coffee, which only delays the headache a little longer.

5) For lost productivity at work. I take a break to go to Starbucks almost every day between 3pm and 4pm. I'd feel better if half the office weren't also doing the same thing. Just think how much more work we'd all be getting done if the Starbucks weren't there.

6) For lost money. We have free coffee at work, but I just can't help but go spend a couple bucks for a tall dark from Starbucks, even though I know I don't need it.

7) For my slow internet connection and poor cellphone service. The people maintaining those services are likely just as addicted to Starbucks as I am, and so they're out getting coffee when they could be monitoring their stations.

8) For the clear-cutting of the rain forest. I'm sure there must be some coffee beans in there, and I'm sure Starbucks is involved somehow.

9) For the situation in the middle east. We all know they're all just fighting over coffee, and that oil has nothing to do with it.

Okay, I guess those last 3 might be a stretch.


Program Not Responding

The world gave me a sunny day today. A day filled with the potential for fun, adventure, excitement, and beauty. And what did I do?

I wasted it in my apartment. I slept in. I went to the mall to pick a few things up, and returned home. And then I had a nap, surfed the web, had another nap, watched some TV, and now I'm blogging.

Yesterday I made a list of things I wanted to get done today. There were 5 things on the list. I've only done one of them.

The pool is rather inviting today. But it's across the courtyard and I can't be bothered to go out in the sun to get there. Besides which, that's the kind of thing that's more fun with friends, and most of mine are at work today.

I guess maybe I needed some time to myself to relax. But I feel like I need more time, especially to do all those things I didn't do today.

But instead of making up for wasted time, I'll be going back to work tommorrow.

I have become a mindless automaton, marching to the beat of a corporate drum, and becoming lifeless when that drum stops beating.

I love the summer, but at the same time I can't wait for the seasons to change.


I'm Tuning You All Out

There are certain words in the english language that I can't stand. Slang words. Words that actually make me cringe with disgust and frustration when I hear them. I don't know what it is about these words, but the use of them really makes me angry to the point where I want to beat somebody upside the head with a dictionary.

"Douchebag" is one such word. Can somebody please explain to me how or why, in the last year, "douchebag" become the #1 word for referring to somebody in a negative manner? Weren't words like "jerk", "idiot", or "@$$hole" good enough?

To hell with you and your stupid insults. You're all a bunch of d-bags. So there.


Who Needs a Social Life?

No, really! I mean it. I mean, I'm happy to dedicate my life to the company. I don't need time off. I don't need to see my friends or family. I definitely don't need to enjoy my summer. All that's important is that I come in, do a good job, work extra hours and squeeze in some sleep in between.

/end sarcasm


It's All About The Benjamins?

I love my job. I love the company I work for. I love the people I work with.

There are things, however, that I don't like about my job. Like crunch times. And unpaid overtime because of labour bylaws that don't require it. Like heavy dependencies on other parts of a team that prevent me from doing my job and that lead to the aforementioned unpaid overtime.

But since there's no video game developers union (and I'd be surprised if a union were ever workable for this industry), these things are necessary evils sometimes.

My friends sometimes think that the way my job works is silly. They sometimes can't understand why I would do what I do for the relatively low salary I make when I could be doing other jobs for more moola.

Well, it's like this: You take the good with the bad. I'm sure everbody has a few things about their job that they don't like. And with my job, there's definitely far more good than bad.


Copyright Revisited

I've been paying a little more attention to the news that last few days. That is to say, I've been paying some attention as opposed to my usual none. Specifically, I've been watching as things progress surrounding the outrage over proposed Bill C-61.

For the uninformed, bill C-61 is an allegedly "made in Canada" law to regulate copyright law in the interests of both copyright holders and Canadian consumers. There's a lot of controversy surrounding the bill, which closely resembles the DMCA act passed in the stats in '97.

I'm not going to tell you how awful and restrictive the bill is. You can find out about that by reading articles elsewhere. Instead, I want to talk about Bill C-61 in some very simple terms and examine some things that I'm not sure everybody is aware of.

Personally, I'm looking at this from 2 different angles:
1) As a consumer, I'm annoyed that the government feels the need to step in and regulate where and how I use and enjoy copyrighted material that I may or may not have purchased.
2) As a software developer, I'm glad that Canada is finally taking action to pass some official laws governing copyright with respect to digital content.

Here's what I see as the problem, and what's pissing people off:
The government is basically telling us something that everybody should already know but nobody wants to admit: that infringing on copyrights is illegal and violators should be punished. We've been stealing copyright protected materials since we bought our first VCRs and photocopiers, and we've gotten away with it. But now the government is taking an official stand and telling us it's not okay to steal, and for some reason we resent them for it.

There's also a common misconception among Canadians regarding the downloading of copyrighted material such as television and music. About two years ago the government proposed a similar set of laws, which died on the table. Somehow this sent the message to Canadians that stealing music and software and televisions shows was okay. And Canada doesn't have appropriate laws pertaining to copyright to deal with digital information and properties.

In the US, before the DMCA was introduced, copyrighted material operated under "fair use" laws. In a nutshell, these laws said "go ahead and do whatever you want, as long as you don't violate any user agreements, acknowledge the original copyright holder, do so with permission, and change a specific percentage of the material. Oh, and don't try to profit from it."
The DMCA changed this and took a more hard-line approach.

Canada, on the other hand, has never had such laws or regulations that I'm aware of. And we still don't. But does that make infringing on copyrights okay? Of course not. All it means is that the legal system doesn't know what to do about it. For years we've been basing legal disputes on laws passed in the U.S. because we don't have our own set of applicable laws in Canada. Bill C-61 is an attempt by the government to address this problem.

Now, this doesn't mean I'm a supporter of C-61. The bill is far too restrictive and a lot of the fine print doesn't make any sense. I'd hate to see this passed as a law in it's current form. But I still think the Canadian government has the right idea, to a point.

From the government's perspective, I think the problem is that, when it comes to copyrighted material and digital media, the definitions of right and wrong are rather unclear.

Take music, for example. If I purchase a CD, what have I actually purchased? The right to own a copy of the disc? The right to listen to the disc? How about the right to play the disc for others? Can I make a personal copy of the disc for my own use? If I want the album I purchased in CD form on my personal MP3 player, is the expectation that I'll purchase a digital copy instead of just ripping the files from the disc? If I lend the CD to a friend and he copies it, who's liable? What happens if I share the digital version through iTunes on a shared network for the listening (but not copying) pleasure of others?

Technology today is very versatile and offers many options and freedoms when it comes to digital media and how we enjoy it. But, like a VCR, the technology opens the door to uses that may or may not actually be legal, and those definitions of legality haven't ever been made clear to Canadians. Unless, of course, you've read all of the fine print in the user license agreements. But even then, none of these rights are standardized. They're left up to the discretion of the content creators, and will vary from product to product.

Bill C-61, as I see it, is a misguided attempt to address this problem as well.

Piracy isn't going anywhere. As long as there are people in the world, there will be thieves. C-61 won't really change anything. All it will do is make an example of a few unlucky folks who get caught. The rest of us will still photocopy and record and transfer and download just as much as we do now.

I think the public would be better served if, instead of looking at ways to to further legislate copyright protection, we left that control in the hands of content creators as it is now. We won't stop piracy, but companies and the government alike could at least try to reduce it if they were a little more open-minded and payed attention to what's happening in the digital marketplace.

If anything, music piracy rates have likely dropped in recent years. More and more businesses and content creators are realizing that if they offer their products up in a digital format that's easy to access and priced affordably (i.e. $1.00/song download or $10.00/album on iTunes) that most people will still pay for the content. All the public really wants is more freedom of choice as consumers, and many companies are finally catching on.

It's a difficult issue to address, as there are many considerations to take into account, and there's a certain amount public expectation that needs to be addressed. But let us all acknowledge that we're pissed off about Bill C-61 because we've grown accustomed to illegally getting something for nothing, and that the government has finally caught on.
And if the government feels the need to address copyright issues by passing new laws, let's let them. But let's help them do it right. Let's make sure they know what our expectations are, both as consumers and content creators. Instead of pointing fingers, let's work together to make sure that the interests of Canadians really are being met.


New Computer, New Windows, New Problems

I've built a new computer and installed Windows Vista 64 bit. It's pretty awesome.

Now I'm trying to set a hotkey on my logitech G15 keyboard to open the Vista Games Explorer. I think it's linked to explorer.exe somehow.

Does anybody know how to launch the games explorer from a command line?


An (Un?)fortunate Google Accident

A Good Medical Practitioner is Hard to Find

Last year when I was looking for solutions to my persisting allergy problems I decided it was time to find myself a local doctor here in the Burnaby area. I looked a few up and finally made an appointment with one who's office was relatively easy for me to reach and who's name I could actually pronounce. He also happened to be taking new patients, which seems to be a bit of a rarity.

Sidenote: I hate walk-in clinics. Their only goal seems to be to get you in and out in the fastest amount of time without actually paying attention to what your problem is.

It's allergy season again. I never did make any decisions or come to any resolutions last year. I was supposed to follow up with two different specialists, but never did. So I decided it was time to do that. But alas, it's been more than 6 months and so the only way I can follow up is to get another referral from my "family doctor".

So I decided to book an appointment with the aforementioned doctor. I didn't have his phone number handy so I googled his name.

I found it. The first few places listed were listings for Burnaby Doctors. However, further down the page I noticed some legal cases from Toronto in the mid-90's. I decided to check the links out and see what's what.

Apparently in 1995 a doctor with a suspiciously similar name to the same doctor I was looking up was charged with sexual misconduct. In fact, his initials are exaclty the same so I'm pretty sure it's the same guy. He plead guilty for two separate episodes.

I don't know about anybody else, but I don't really want to see a family doctor who has a history of sexual misconduct. Even if I'm not his sexual preference, that's not the point. It's the principle here.

So I guess I'll have to find a new Doctor.

Let this be a lesson to you, folks: you can run from your mistakes, change zip codes, move provinces, and hide. But the internet will always find you. MWUHAHAHAHA!


I Wish Computers Grew on Trees

So my sketchy power supply finally died, and took my motherboard and hard drive with it for the ride to computer heaven. The whole system is basically toasted.

On the upside, it lived a good life and was well beyond it's time. A complete upgrade was going to be needed rather soon. The downside is that I don't actually have the money for a new computer. I've priced out all the parts I need to build a decent machine, but where I'm going to find $1500 is beyond me.

I've been making a list of clever ways that I can make enough money in a short amount of time. Here's what I've got so far, and I'm open to any suggestions.
(I'll also accept charity and hand-outs).

Clever and (Mostly) Legal (but not necessarily honest) Ways to Make $1500 Very Quickly.

  1. Have a kidney removed and sell it on the black market

  2. Hold a draw with a small cash prize. Sell 200 tix@$20 each, award $500 to the winner, and keep the rest of the money. Or, sell $1000 tickets @ $5 each for a 50/50 draw.

  3. Sell all my other posessions and use the earnings to buy a computer. Who needs clothes or furniture anyways?

  4. Rebuild my computer to a mostly-working state from scrap, and then sell it to some poor uninformed sap for far more than it's actual value.

  5. Start an internet business selling people the secrets to making money on the internet. The "secret" will be a short document outlinging how to start a business on the internet selling others the secrets to making money on the internet.

  6. Establish the "Andrew Lockhart Fund for Disadvantaged Gamers" and raise money for the fund, which aims to help provide "disadvantaged gamers" with up-to-date computer hardware. Then collect and fundraise for my charity.

  7. Make (or star in?) a low-budget amateur pornographic film and sell it the internet.

  8. Move out of my apartment and live on the street for 2 months. The saved rent money would fund a new system.

  9. Sell a fake collector's item on e-bay using a fake seller account and pictures of the item stolen from google image search.

  10. Form an oil company, forage all the documents, strike it big, and convince people to invest. Then cash out my stocks before anybody realizes that I'm not really drilling for oil.

If you have a brilliant money-making scheme to add to my list, please leave it in the comments.


Here's the Opinion of "Someone" in Particular

I've got your hammer right here.

Having the strength to make an incredibly difficult decision about a potentially life-altering event, without knowing if you're making the right or wrong choice, isn't naive. And it's not the sign of somebody average or mediocre.

Mediocrity is posting condescending comments on somebody else' blog about that sort of difficult decision. And cowardice is not having the courage or decency to at least sign that comment with a name.

How do you tell someone that from the moment of your knowledge of their existence that they have consistantly disappointed you?

You, in all your "wisdom", have shown me the answer to your own question: You do it on the internet.

In time, you will be forgotten.


What's My Superpower?

I just finished watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I found particulary interesting given the events of my weekend.

Let me explain.

I have two friends who were once best friends and basically inseparable. They had a falling out almost 2 years ago, and hadn't really spoken since. I've remained friends with both of them and it's always been pretty clear to me that while they did have a fight, there wasn't really any animosity between them any longer. It's always struck me as odd that neither one of them has tried to talk to each other or clear the air. It's funny how time can create a sense of emotional distance between people.

Last night the one friend and I had plans to go to a bar for a CD release party. They details of that aren't important. We weren't going with anybody else, so I suggested we call some people and see if anybody else wants to go. I mentioned calling the other friend (since I still talk to both of them). The first friend said "go for it", so I called the second friend and invited her to meet us.

This resulted in a strange series of phone calls and e-mails from the second friend, who seemed very apprehensive about meeting up with the first friend in a social setting. I voiced my understanding and told her I was willing to make up a cover story if she wanted to bail. She said she'd think about going, but wouldn't make promises. Then she asked me what I thought she would do. I told her I understood she was afraid, but that I didn't think she had reason to be.

We (the first friend and I) were pretty sure she (the second friend) wouldn't show up. She has never been much for going out to begin with. To our surprise she did in fact show up. And when the two were placed in front of one another all they could do was smile and hug. A lot. It was beautiful and strange and a little overwhelming in a way.

In the episode of Buffy I was watching (from season 7) Xander is speaking to Dawn about how the rest of the scooby gang will never know how hard it is to be an ordinary person without any superpowers. Dawn replies that maybe Xander's special power is knowing and observing and seeing what nobody else does.

I think as human beings we're all hard-wired to feel like we should be something extraordinary. We need a place to fit in the world. A reason for being. And so maybe we can't fly or shoot fireballs or see through walls. But each of us, in our own way, has something that makes us special.

I used to often wonder what it was that made me special. Where did I fit in my circle of friends? What was it that drew people to me? I didn't think of myself and as anybody special. I didn't have any notable special talents and I certainly didn't have a strong personality that stuck out. I still don't. I've mostly always been the silent pensive type.

A few of my best friends, years ago, described me as "the glue". In our rather large circle of friends (at that time) they noted that I was the only one able to bring everybody together, even at the worst of times and when people weren't getting along. They felt I had the ability to bridge gaps between groups of people.

But it was always just something that happened. Mending and maintaining the relationships of others wasn't something I actively tried to do. It just seemed like a lot of coincidence to me. And so I never really understood what they meant. It didn't seem like I was doing anything special. To me it was just a simple matter of putting different groups of people in the same place at the same time.

And that's exactly what I did last night. Nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary. I just put two people in the same room at the same time, and let them do the rest. The hugged, they laughed, and they talked all night. And today they both thanked me. To quote the first friend, "You did what both of us were too stubborn to do."

I still don't feel like I've done anything special. But maybe my place, - my reason, my hidden talent, my superpower -, is to be some sort of empathic facilitator for others.

Or maybe I just watch too much TV.


Time Out for Fire Safety

I live in a condo complex made up of three towers, each with 18 floors and a few hundred residents. Last night the fire alarm went off at 2:30am. After hitting the snooze button multiple times in a vain sleep-induced attempt to stop the noise, I pulled some pants and socks on, grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys, and rushed downstairs.

I stood outside in front of the building, mentally evaluating my fire-drill performance. Did I move fast enough? Did I remember all the strategies like checking metal doorknobs for heat?

And then I looked up the three towers and felt better about my performance. Many of the other building residents, instead of making any effort to the leave the building, were standing in their living rooms looking out the windows. Others stood on their balconies, making no attempt to flee to safety. Only about 50 people actually made a point of making their way downstairs into the parking lot.

I couldn't believe my eyes, and I find it really hard to think that people could be so foolish and short-sighted. Had it been a real fire, they all could have died there in their suites or on their balconies.

Do they not realize what a fire alarm means? Have these people never had to do a fire drill before? Are they just plain ignorant? Or maybe they're just too lazy to take the stairs and would rather die than tackle that many flights.

After waiting for over 10 minutes for the fire department to show up, J and I decided it was time for a trip across the street to Tim Hortons.

I'm sure we probably committed some crime I'm not aware of like "leaving the scene of a fire". But nobody else seemed very concerned, and the fire crew sure took their sweet time getting to the building. At least I left the building like I've been trained to do. And in the case of a real fire Tim Hortons would be a lot safer than standing in the parking lot.


I Just Have to Ask...

...has anybody else in Canada noticed the HMV billboard ads for the new Bryan Adams album? You know the one, right? The one where he's sporting this wierd sort of lukemia-chic cancer victim hair(less)cut thing? I mean, okay sure, advertising is way too superficial and overdone and too much time and money are spent on image. But I just don't get what kind of image Mr. Adams are his PR people are trying to portray here. He looks like the photo was taken on a really bad day, somewhere between a pack of cigarettes and a drinking binge.

I don't get it.


The Fallacy of War(Machine)

I think I've officially taken the final step that will guarantee I never have sex again.

2 years ago some friends and I spent too much money on paint and supplies and miniature figurines and starting play a game called Warmachine. Except that we didn't really play that much. After 2 years, I think I'd played 6 games in total. I've had my army sitting in a corner of my room in a carry case, just waiting to be used. And I've been thinking that if I don't actually play the game, all that valuable time and money I spent is just going to waste.

So I joined a Warmachine league at a local game store. I play thursday nights after work, and sometimes on weekends. And it's awesome. Sometimes I even win!

But between that, playing games as a job, and playing video games at home in my spare time, I just don't have time for women. Sorry ladies, schedule's all full.


Rental Suite Woes, Pt. 2

A shower of sparks was the figurative nail in the coffin. I'm definitely going to look into moving out in the fall.

I've never had so many problems in a rental suite before. Let's recap:

- When we first moved in the cleaners had done everything but the windowsills and blinds, which were disgusting and black for the bottom 2 feet. We called the landlord and requested he have them cleaned, which he did. But the cleaners still didn't do the windowsills very well.

- A week after we move in we notice a slight ladybug infestation. It could be worse, so we systematically removed them from the apartment one by one. I later discovered the point of entry was through the windows, where a large gathering of them had decided to camp around the window seals.

- 1 month after moving in the toilet in the suite upstairs sprung a leak and bored a hole through my bathroom ceiling. It took 2 months to finally get somebody in to fix the hole, and then another 2 months for him to come back and finish the job by sanding and painting. But he did a half-assed job and left all the sanded plaster all over the bathroom for me to clean up.

- 3 months after moving in I notice a lot of water forming a puddle behind the toilet. Thinking it's a pipe leak, I called the landlord. His plumber checked it out and said it was all because of the condensation running down the outside of the toilet and dripping off the pipe in the back. Okay, fine, no problem. I notice around this same time that the windowsills are literally filling with water from condensation. I soak up the water using paper towel, and go through 2 rolls doing so. The suggested fix for both was running the bathroom fan all the time. Refusing to run the fan 24/7 for electricity reasons (see next bullet point), I decided to set the humidity control in the hallway. 2 months later the puddle in the bathroom is still a problem and so are the windowsills.

- 4 months after moving in we recieved our first power bill in the amount of $191.00. We called Hydro to find out what's going on. They blamed the electric heating. So we turned the thermostats down by 3-4 degrees in every room. When our power bill came last week it was $213.00. That's almost $20 more than the previous one, after turning down the heat. We called hydro, but again they blamed the electric heating.

- 5 months after moving in the puddle problem in the bathrooom persists, despite the automatic humidity control turning the fans on every few hours. The control is currently set at 65% and is still triggering the fans, which is a sign of far too much humidity. I then decide to clean the windowsills, which are filled with water again. While doing so I discover black mold starting to form around the edges of the window. I also find a large mold growth on the back of the toilet. I contacted the landlord last week, and am still expecting somebody to come look at the windows, which I suspect are the source of at least three of these problems (the electric bill, the condensation, and the mold).

Now on to the newest exciting disaster:

So last night I'm sitting in the living room playing X360 like I often do. Suddenly I hear a very loud electrical buzzing and look up to see a shower of sparks spewing from the ceiling-fan light fixture. I scream and leap across the the room to the switch, turning the lights off to avoid starting an electrical fire. We check the breaker box, but it's not clear which breaker the fan is on. So instead we put tape over the switch as a reminder not to touch the lightswitch under any circumstances.
But the landlord is gone away for the weekend and the building management are MIA as well.



Rental Suite Woes

And speaking of my landlord...

So we still haven't done that dinner thing. It's just as well. I think the next time I talk to him I'm going to try and bow out gracefully. Thanks, but no thanks.

That will probably happen tommorrow, since I have to call him anyways. It all started with a really high power bill.

Our electric bills have been excessively high that last 4 months. After talking to hydro and messing with breakers and trying to sort out the problem, my best guess is that we're just losing heat through our single-pane windows and the electric heating is working overtime to compensate.

So I started researching into ways to address the problem. I talked to a few people and made a few phone calls. I also did some online research. I went to the hardware and looked at caulking, weather stripping, and plastic coverings. And then I stocked up on cleaning supplies including paper towel, bleach, rubber gloves, etc etc.

The windows in question get a build-up of condensation. It's not just a little moisture either. It's a lot. In a matter of days I will likely have a small puddle below my windows. In 2 weeks the recesses will have become a mini-reservoir in my room.

The nasty side-effect to this is that the windows grow mold. Black mold. The toxic kind. I've also found this same mold growing on the back of my toilet where I have a similar condensation problem.

I'm not an expert when it comes to this sort of thing, but it seems pretty clear to me that something is wrong. Especially considering the humidity control automatically turns the fans on frequently and the dial is set to 65%. That's way too much humidity.

I'm not sure how to solve this since there seem to be quite a few different things going on that are all related. But they all need to be fixed. Soon. I just wish I knew what kind of professional I'd need to consult to get the answers I need. But since I don't, I'll let the landlord figure it out. It's his responsibility anyways. (Although frankly I think he's just as clueless as I am. He doesn't even live in the building. He just collects the rent from my bank account every month.)

And before my lease runs out in September, I think I'll start looking for a new place to live.


In Case You Don't Hear From Me...

I'm leaving to meet my landlord for dinner 15 minutes from now. He's treating us (my roommate and I) to steak at the Keg.

He's been trying to arrange this dinner since before christmas. We've had to cancel a few times for various reasons. But he's persistent and keeps trying to reschedule. He's a very nice guy, but the idea of dinner with your landlord is just a little bit strange. Not only does if cross the imaginary professional relationship barrier, but what could we possibly even have to discuss over dinner?

I figure we'll go tonight, get it over with, and be done with it, and hopefully not have to think about it again. And maybe I can convince him to get somebody in to fix the seals on my windows.

In any case, if you haven't heard from me in 24 hours, it means I've been murdered and ended up as the Keg's feature special of the week. Should this happen, please inform my family.


UPDATE: We didn't make it to the Keg, so I'm still alive. We had agreed on a 6pm dinner, which got pushed to 6:30pm, and then to 7pm. And of course the landlord didn't take into account that it would be busy on a saturday, so we would have had to wait until 8pm to eat. We didn't want to wait that long, so we cancelled at the last minute and rescheduled for later in the week. I'd like to be happy that we've postponed this dinner since I'm not really excited about it, but I'd rather just get the whole thing over with.



Earlier this week a friend lost everything he owns in a fire in Toronto. It's been quite the shock to everbody. At the same time, people are really pulling together to help him out. It's funny how through the magic of the internet our generation is redeining the meaning and scope of the idea of "community". It's a bittersweet truth that tragedy really does pull people closer together.

If you'd like to help out Alex, please visit Jessica's blog and click the donate button.

People who have commented about the fire or have had similiar experiences have been commenting on his and my sister's blog about what they grabbed on the way out. Everybody seems to say that either they grabbed the family photos, or they wish they had because they missed those the most.

Maybe I'm missing something here. I mean, I would hate to lose all my things. But they're just that: things. The cost to replace everything I own would be brutal, but ultimately they're all physical possessions that won't mean a thing in the long run. They're all replaceable, mostly dispensable things. And I don't see my photo albums as being any different.

I have certain possessions that have emotional significance attached to them, and I'd miss this things. Things like the Teddy Bear I've had since my first birthday, for example. But my photos would be the absolute last thing I'd be upset about losing. To me a photo is a visual reminder of a memory. But the memory, to me, is more important than the photos themselves. Photos are images printed on pieces of paper - more useless material possessions that take up space in my closet. And while I can take or leave the photos, I can carry the memories and emotions with me for the rest of my life. If I want to remember a family vacation from 10 years ago, all I need to do is close my eyes and think back to that time. My memory of events may have changed, but our perspectives and opinions on things that happen to us change all the time, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

Maybe I'm just being far too practical here. Maybe I'm just an insensitive jerk who doesn't get it.

But moreover, I'm fascinated by the idea of being able to rebuild my life from the ground up. Our lives, memories, emotions and friendships are what make up our being. Those aren't tangible things you can lose in a fire. Material posessions just fill the up space and time.

What would I save if there was a fire? Bobby, my teddy bear. Which of my things would I miss? All of them, for a while.

But like a I phoenix, I could rise from the ash. The fire would purge the clutter, and afterwards I would have a chance to start things fresh. Why dwell on the past, when I can look forward to the future?


The Past is Memories...

... And the future has yet to come. It's both the end of an era, and the beginning of a new chapter.

It was dark, dirty, grimy. There was conversation, laughter, and a few tears. There were good friends, familiar faces, and new acquaintances. There were die-hards, groupies, hecklers, and rowdies. There were drinks, cigarettes, earplugs. There were young metalheads, old punks, and a modern-day pirate with his hunting hounds. The crowd bumped and bounced with raised fists. The air in the room wasn't still for a single moment.

It was excellent. You should have been there.

Last night was Corey's last night as the singer for Flood of Fire. The band played a late set at the Cobalt, and they definitely ended on a high note.

I've been going to as many Flood of Fire shows as I can for the last three years to lend my support as a fan. I've seen them play some really good shows and their fair share of bad ones. I've seen them grow as a band and as a circle of friends. I've partied with them late into the night, driven their van back to their jamspace for them, and celebrated special occasions at their homes. It's weird to think that these guys have been a significant part of my social life for the last three years.

For those of you who never had the pleasure of seeing them play, you don't know what you've missed out on. It's rare to find a group of people with such great chemistry, both on stage and off. But these guys just gel. It sounds cheesy, but I can't think of any better way to say it.

It's not the end for Flood of Fire, and it's not the last of Corey. Corey has started a blues project with a good friend of his. Flood of Fire will take a bit of a break to decide what to do about a vocalist, but they're not done yet either.

It's a time of change, but I suppose change is good. And the way I see it, this just means two bands to support, which means my social life just doubled.

But you still have no idea what you've all missed out on.


Cupid with a Vengeance!

In a moment of weakness I logged into one of my old online dating site accounts. I was really really bored, okay? And yes, I have accounts on dating sites. Yes, plural. I never use them. I just happen to have accounts on various sites all over the internet. I mean, if I could find a record of all the websites I've ever registered or created a profile on ...
Back to the point. I decided to peruse the forums rather on said website rather briefly, and a post reminded that Valentine's Day is coming up.

I hate Valentine's Day.

But I had a thought: what if I celebrate it this year in my own twisted demented way?

What if I dress as a cherub on February 14th. Armed with a bow and arrows. Maybe arrows with pink shafts and fluffy white feathers. And I'll prance around with merriment and spread joy in the spirit of the "holiday" by sending my pink and white arrows sailing through the air to pierce the hearts of all those happy-go-lucky lovebirds out there.

It sounds terrible I know, but it's for the greater good. Sure, the deaths will be tragic and bloody and horribly unjustified and immoral. But at least all us single schmoes can get some sick enjoyment out of the day too, right?

Okay. I have issues. I admit it.


== Channel Open == Waiting for Signal ==

There are a lot of things I could post. So many thoughts, feelings, opinions, stories. It's been a while since I've posted anything, and to be honest, I just haven't felt like I've had anything worth throwing up on the internet.

One of the reasons I started blogging, I suppose, was to try and connect with people. Granted, there are plenty of better ways to do that. But That's neither here nor there.

So, let's change things up a little. To heck with how I am, what I've been doing, or what I'm thinking today. I'd rather know how your'e doing. How's your day? What have you been up to? Got any good stories? Maybe you've heard a good joke lately?

Leave a comment. Let me know.


The Great January Kitchen Flood

You should have seen it. I had a lovely picture, but alas I forgot to properly save it on my cellphone.

I couldn't help but laugh. It was like something out of TV or a movie. Soapy water was slowly flowing out of the bottom of the dishwasher door, creating a great sudsy lake in my kitchen.

I don't understand the inner workings of dishwashers, so I don't know how it could have happened. Luckily the carpet wasn't harmed. I had to soak up the water with 2 bath towels, which made drying off after my morning shower somewhat difficult.

At least my evening was interesting.