
Movember - It's NOT a Goatee

A few people have made comments to me implying that I've grown a goatee and am therefore breaking the rules of Movember. I'd like to set the record straight.

As illustrated in previous photos, I have done my best to grow handlebars. A handlebar mustache is still allowed according to the rules of movember. There is a stipulation in the rules that the handlebars themselves cannot connect, and in my case they do not.

However, I also have dark hair and fair skin. This means that even so much as a little 5 o'clock shadow stubble will make it appear as though I have grown a rule-breaking goatee.

But ladies and gentlemen, please understand that a little bit of stubble does not a mustache make. :-)

Click here to check out some recent photos on my facebook (as long as you're on my friends list, that is).

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