
Trading one addiction for another.

So as any knowledgeable 'gamer' knows, the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion was released yesterday. All my friends, or at least those that play WarCrack, as it is affectionately called, rushed out to get their copies. I suspect I won't be seeing of hearing from a few of them for some time.

My roommates are both among them. But of course, I live with them, so I'll be seeing them rather frequently. I just won't be able to have conversations with them unless I log in to Azeroth or prefix anything I try to say to them with a '/tell'.

Last fall they encouraged me to join in the addicting fun that is Warcraft. I finally broke down. And for a few months I quite enjoyed it. But after about 6 weeks I found the entertainment value growing somewhat stagnant. I was starting to lose interest. And nobody wants to pay $20/month for a game they're not playing, so I cancelled my account.

So now that BC is out, I'm being tempted again. I've resolved not to give in. (Okay, well at least not until after I finish a few other games on my list).

So I went to the comic store today to pick up a few things. I had an urge to splurge. I wanted to spoil myself with something new and fun and exciting. Sandman volume 5 was all sold out, to my dismay. I was really looking forward to reading that.

Instead, I bought 2 of these.

It's not quite the same as the online version, but I figured it would be a little more social, possibly more entertaining, and not nearly as costly as that $20/month subscription fee.

Clever Blizzard. They've designed it in just such a way that, like any other CCG I've ever played, you basically have to buy more cards. The game requires a 60 card deck. The clever bastards give you a 30 card starter and two 15 card boosters, which means that right from the get-go you don't even have a full 60 card deck, since you won't be able to use the majority of the booster contents in your 30 card preconstructed deck. Nevermind the fact that the hero classes in the pre-con. decks aren't labelled on the box, so there's now way of knowing what kind of deck you're purchasing until it's too late. What if I don't wanna play a Night-Elf Druid, huh? What about that?

Maybe I should just reactivate my WoW account and log back in... *sigh*

( In all honestly though, I'm really looking forward to trying this game out. It's been a while since I've played a good CCG. I kinda miss them. Just a little. )

1 comment:

The Unbelievable said...

I just realised that my comment never got posted here from a while ago. It wrote something like this...

As I read this entry I kept thinking, "Don't do it Andrew, don't give in to the temptation of WoW." And my comment was to be along the same lines.

Now I am just shaking my head. Also, I'm a little bit jealous.