
New Computer, New Windows, New Problems

I've built a new computer and installed Windows Vista 64 bit. It's pretty awesome.

Now I'm trying to set a hotkey on my logitech G15 keyboard to open the Vista Games Explorer. I think it's linked to explorer.exe somehow.

Does anybody know how to launch the games explorer from a command line?


An (Un?)fortunate Google Accident

A Good Medical Practitioner is Hard to Find

Last year when I was looking for solutions to my persisting allergy problems I decided it was time to find myself a local doctor here in the Burnaby area. I looked a few up and finally made an appointment with one who's office was relatively easy for me to reach and who's name I could actually pronounce. He also happened to be taking new patients, which seems to be a bit of a rarity.

Sidenote: I hate walk-in clinics. Their only goal seems to be to get you in and out in the fastest amount of time without actually paying attention to what your problem is.

It's allergy season again. I never did make any decisions or come to any resolutions last year. I was supposed to follow up with two different specialists, but never did. So I decided it was time to do that. But alas, it's been more than 6 months and so the only way I can follow up is to get another referral from my "family doctor".

So I decided to book an appointment with the aforementioned doctor. I didn't have his phone number handy so I googled his name.

I found it. The first few places listed were listings for Burnaby Doctors. However, further down the page I noticed some legal cases from Toronto in the mid-90's. I decided to check the links out and see what's what.

Apparently in 1995 a doctor with a suspiciously similar name to the same doctor I was looking up was charged with sexual misconduct. In fact, his initials are exaclty the same so I'm pretty sure it's the same guy. He plead guilty for two separate episodes.

I don't know about anybody else, but I don't really want to see a family doctor who has a history of sexual misconduct. Even if I'm not his sexual preference, that's not the point. It's the principle here.

So I guess I'll have to find a new Doctor.

Let this be a lesson to you, folks: you can run from your mistakes, change zip codes, move provinces, and hide. But the internet will always find you. MWUHAHAHAHA!