
Things That Have Made My Week

1.) Checking my work e-mail from out of town to discover that I've been granted an MVP award for my efforts on my project over the past month. Said aware also comes with a certificate for dinner and a movie for two.
(I'm still working on the "two" part before I use them.)

2.) Having a bonus added to my paycheque this week for appreciated proactiveness at work. This is in addition to, and separate from, the aforementioned MVP award.

3.) Finding out that I've passed my 90 day probation and will be recieving full extended benefits as of friday.

4.) Having a personal compliment paid directly to me by the CEO for some additional work I've been doing to help improve productivity. Again, this is separate from points 1, 2, and 3.

5.) Knowing that numbers 2 and 3 mean that I can get my bike fixed this week, see my chiropractor again, and book and appointment with my dentist. Further steps to living healthier!


Jess said...

Yay! Good work on being awesome at life.

Anonymous said...

andrew, congratulations on your most recent achievement....Your Mom and I are very proud of You and we Love You.